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Diego Trefny Head of Business & Strategy

How to Increase Conversion Rate with a website or app redesign?

Product Design & Development
11 Nov 2023 5 min

In the fast-paced world of business, there's one coveted prize that every company strives to achieve – the maximum conversion rate. Picture your website or app as a finely-tuned conversion machine, effortlessly turning visitors into loyal customers. Achieving this level of success isn't a matter of luck; it's about having a well-thought-out strategy.

In this journey to conversion rate excellence, we'll uncover valuable insights and industry benchmarks that can help transform your website into a conversion powerhouse.

Leveraging the Power of UX Research

Your journey towards achieving a higher conversion rate begins with a deep understanding of your audience. Picture yourself delving into the minds of your website or app visitors, grasping their pain points, and comprehending their preferences. This is where the significance of UX research comes to the forefront. Through the meticulous creation of user personas and the careful mapping of the customer journey, you gain a wealth of invaluable insights that will serve as the bedrock of your website or app redesign strategy.

By gaining insight into what users are seeking and pinpointing where they encounter difficulties, you can tailor your website to align perfectly with their expectations. 

Did you know that businesses prioritizing UX research
can outperform their competitors by up to 228%?

Both quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques are valuable in UX research processes. They provide a holistic understanding of user experiences and guide design decisions to create more user-friendly products and interfaces. 

Here are key steps and considerations for a successful UX research process for web and app improvements:

Define Clear Objectives: Determine the specific goals and objectives of your research. What aspects of the website's performance are you trying to improve? Is it user satisfaction, task completion rates, or something else?

User Personas and Segmentation: Personas represent archetypal users and help designers empathize with their target audience. Understand their demographics, behaviors, and goals. Segment your user base to tailor the research to specific user types. 

Choose the Right Research Methods: Select appropriate research methods based on your objectives. Common methods include user interviews, surveys, usability testing, focus groups, card sorting, heatmaps, and analytics analysis. Then, identify and recruit representative participants who match your user personas. Ensure a diverse sample to capture a wide range of user perspectives.

Analyze Findings: Thoroughly analyze the collected data to identify trends, patterns, and user pain points. Use quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques to gain insights, like System Usability Scale, Net Promoter Score, OKRs, and others. Also, organize and categorize qualitative data into themes or patterns using affinity diagrams. 

Create User Journey Maps: Envisioning the user's journey involves creating a mental map of their entire experience, from the moment they land on your site to the point of conversion or exit. This process entails not just understanding the physical steps they take but also diving deeper into the pain points, needs and emotional aspects of their interaction. 

Prioritize Issues: Rank the identified issues or opportunities based on their impact and feasibility. Focus on high-impact, low-effort changes for quick wins.

Iterative Design and Testing: Implement design changes based on your research findings. A/B testing, prototyping, and usability testing can help validate design improvements before full implementation.

Embrace these essential steps and insights to craft a comprehensive UX research journey that doesn't just enhance your app or website's maximum conversion rates but also tunes it perfectly to the ever-evolving desires, needs and expectations of your core users.

The Transformative Impact of User Experience

User experience (UX) is not just a buzzword; it's the design tool that has the power to catapult your conversion rates to new heights. In the digital landscape where attention spans are short and choices are abundant, providing a great user experience can make all the difference between a successful conversion and a lost opportunity.

A top-notch user experience doesn't just draw visitors; it keeps them engaged and fosters trust in your brand. It's a holistic approach that combines aesthetics, functionality, performance, accessibility, and user-centered design principles to create a lasting positive impression, drive engagement, and solidify your brand's reputation in the digital space.

Forrester Research reveals that every dollar invested in UX yields an average return of $100. This means that the ROI of prioritizing UX is an astonishing 10,000%.

To ensure a great user experience that leads to high conversion rates, consider the following key aspects:

Seamless Navigation: A user-friendly navigation system is like a roadmap that guides visitors through your digital space effortlessly. Complex or confusing navigation often leads to high abandonment rates. A well-structured navigation menu and clear categorization make it a breeze to locate the desired item. Users value efficiency and speed, and a seamless navigation system fulfills this need by streamlining their journey.

Simple, Clear and Consistent Design: Maintain a consistent design language, including color schemes, typography, and visual elements. Use simple, clear and concise language for labels, instructions, and calls to action (CTAs). Also, organize content and features in a logical and hierarchical manner, making it easy for users to find what they're looking for. Ensure every click takes your visitors one step closer to their goal. Lastly, use clear headings, subheadings, and visual cues to guide users through the interface.

Visual Feedback: Provide immediate feedback when users interact with elements (e.g., buttons, forms) to confirm their actions. Use animations, hover effects, or microinteractions to enhance the user experience. In addition, avoid cluttered designs and excessive pop-ups or distractions that can divert users from their primary goals.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: A good UX is inclusive and accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Prioritizing accessibility not only demonstrates social responsibility but also broadens your potential audience. Ensure your digital product is accessible to users with disabilities by following accessibility guidelines (e.g., WCAG).

Responsiveness, Performance and Speed: Slow-loading pages and lagging interactions can be a major turn-off for users.Therefore, it’s imperative to prioritize the optimization of digital products for performance and speed. Equally crucial is ensuring that your digital product is responsive and operates seamlessly across a range of devices and screen sizes, with a particular emphasis on mobile devices.

Social Proof and Trust Signals: Incorporate testimonials, reviews, case studies, and trust badges into your website to build credibility and trust. A staggering 90% of consumers admit that their buying decisions are influenced by positive reviews and recommendations from other users.

Proactively addressing UX issues during the design phase can yield cost savings of up to 100 times compared to rectifying them post-launch. This not only enhances your platform’s performance but also preserves valuable company resources.

Setting the Right Conversion Rate Goals

Following an extensive research and redesign process, what changes can you anticipate in your conversion rates? Across all industries, the average conversion rate hovers around 2.35%. However, the top 25% of websites achieve conversion rates of 5.31% or higher. In the e-commerce sector, where conversion rates typically range from 1% to 3%, the top performers can reach an impressive 10%. While these industry benchmarks provide a useful reference point, your ultimate goal is to consistently improve your conversion rate to drive long-term revenue growth. Websites with a conversion rate of 5% or higher are considered high-performing. Achieving this benchmark can unlock significant revenue potential.

But, the pursuit of higher conversion rates should not be viewed as a mere quest for short-term gains, but rather as the cornerstone of building a sustainable revenue engine that can power your business for the long haul. The importance of redesigning your website or app for conversion lies not only in its potential to boost immediate results but also in its capacity to lay the foundations for lasting growth and unwavering stability.

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